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BPPV Instructions

The Canalith Repositioning Procedure (CRP)

The First 48 Hours

Activity Limitations:

Keep Your Head in a Vertical Plane

  1. Do not tip your head up or down or bend at the waist. Pretend there is a book balanced on top of your head, and avoid any movement that would make it fall. Use of a cervical collar will help prevent you from tipping your chin down. Side-to-side turns are ok.
  2. Do not go to appointments that require you to lie down or tilt your head (hairdresser, dentist, chiropractor or barber).
  3. When brushing your teeth, watch yourself in the mirror to be sure you do not bend down. Use a cup to rinse your mouth to avoid bending over.
  4. Avoid tipping your head up or down when shaving or washing your hair.
  5. Keep your back straight when sitting down and getting up from chairs, and avoid bending forward or tilting your head forward. Ask your spouse or friend for help if needed.
  6. Housework, such as cooking or cleaning, should be avoided for the next 48 hours.
  7. Avoid using eye drops unless they can be administered without tilting your head.

Do Not Lie Flat
In order to keep your head vertical while in bed, sleep in a reclining position, tilted no further than 30-45 degrees. Your head should face forward, and pillows may be propped on each side of you to keep you from rolling over. Be sure to use plenty of pillows to keep your head as upright as possible. Place something at the bottom of your feet to prevent slipping downward during the night.

The Following Week

Do Not Sleep on your Right Side / Left Side (whichever side was treated): After one week, you can resume your daily activities without any restrictions.

If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact an audiologist in our office. We want to provide excellent services for our patients; for this reason, we ask our patients not to send their medical questions to us through our social media pages. Patients may send questions via our secure, encrypted server on our patient portal, or they may call our office for assistance.