Thank you for the opportunity to care for you or your loved one.
Patients may resume a regular diet without restrictions. Many patients note a scratchy throat for the first day or two and may prefer soft foods initially.
Light to moderate activity is recommended. Avoid heavy lifting and straining for the first week after surgery. Nose blowing should be gentle and minimal. Forceful nose blowing may lead to nasal bleeding. Elevating the head while resting or sleeping may be helpful.
Your surgeon may place packing and/or plastic splints in your nose. Your surgeon will let you know when this will be removed.
Nasal saline irrigation
Your physician may recommend mechanically cleaning the nose and sinuses with saline. This can remove blood and mucus from the nose and help with healing after surgery. Nasal saline spray (such as Ayr or Ocean spray) is available over-the-counter. You may also make saline solution at home. Irrigations may begin the first day after surgery, generally 3 times per day.
Some pain after nasal surgery is expected. It is generally of moderate severity. Please take the pain reliever medication as prescribed by your physician. Over-the-counter ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be used. Some temporary numbness of the upper teeth may occur.
Low-grade fever after nasal surgery is common. Please notify our office if your temperature is 101°F or higher and does not respond to ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Some bloody nasal and postnasal drainage after nasal surgery is expected. You should expect light bloody drainage for the first 1-2 days. Please call the office if your bleeding becomes excessive. In general, the drip pad should not be saturated more frequently than every 15 minutes.
Some patients may experience nausea and/or vomiting after surgery. Your physician may prescribe medication for nausea. Please call to speak with our nurse if you need help managing nausea or vomiting.
Nasal congestion
Severe nasal congestion is to be expected after nasal surgery due to swelling and sometimes due to nasal packing. You may use decongestant sprays or decongestant pills (Sudafed) for some relief if tolerated. Please read the packaging as decongestants are not recommended with certain medical conditions, including hypertension and heart disease. Saline spray and elevating the head of the bed may also help.
Patient should resume regular medications after surgery, except aspirin-containing products.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office and ask to speak with the nurse.